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01. Cast iron Servingpan Ø 28 cm withstainless steelhandle, high edge5 cm Skeppshult0005
02. Cast iron servingpan / deep pan Ø28 cm with woodenhandle beech highedge 5 cmSkeppshult 0285T
03. Serving pan / Deepfrying pan castiron Ø 28 cm -High edge 5 cm.Walnut handle &counter handleSkeppshult
04. Cast iron Fryingpan Ø 28 cm withstainless steelhandle Skeppshult0280
05. Cast iron Servingpan / Deep Pan Ø20 cm - woodenhandle beech &counter handle.High edge 5 cmSkeppshult 0002T
06. Cast iron servingpan / deep pan Ø25 cm with woodenhandle beech, highedge 6 cmSkeppshult 0250T
07. Frying pan castiron Ø 24 cm -Walnut handle &counter handleSkeppshult Can beused for all typesof stoves,includinginduction.
08. Cast iron Servingpan Ø 25 cmstainless steelhandle & counterhandle. High edge6 cm Skeppshult0250
09. Cast iron Fryingpan Ø 28 cm.Swedish beech woodhandle Skeppshult0280T
10. Cast ironCasserole /roaster round withcast iron lid 4 LSkeppshult